Saturday, July 17, 2010

Don't get me wrong, when it comes to being plugged in, I need one of those outlets that let you plug about six or eight things into them. However three-fourths of the things I am "plugged" into aren't personal and the other fourth isn't public. So this blog is one of those things that you need at the moment, but you know you won't use as often as those other six or eight things, so you just search your home for one of those measly outlets that have room for two things (if you're lucky). I mean, if you're in a house like the one I am currently living in that wouldn't be a problem since there is a ridiculous amount of outlets on every single wall. I'm counting them right now....that wall has two, this one has three, the one over there has four, and that other wall has two more. But you get my point...I'm not new to the blogosphere, just new to the whole public and (semi) personal side of town. The name is Rebeccah. Age nineteen. Cat lover and self taught photographer. Nice to meet you.

Anyways, lately I've been really struck by the meaning of "home." My parents house has always felt like home. My grandparents houses have always felt like home. My friends houses have always felt like home. You know what I am talking about, that warm and cosy "home is where the heart is" vibe. I've never lived where there hasn't been a sense of home up until I moved out of my parents house. Maybe I am just "home-sick." Maybe home isn't where the heart is, rather it's where the cats are. Maybe a house doesn't feel like a home until it is bug-free. Maybe a house never really feels like home until there is the sense of family in it. Whatever it is, I miss it. Horribly. Fact #001: I can't watch any television shows or movies that incorporate the sense of home into the plot or else I will cry like a little baby. I've been here for almost three-months and I've yet to call this place home. So the question is, how do you turn a house into a home?

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